Apple’s Siri Assistant Swears At 10-year-old Boy In Tesco

Apple’s usually mild mannered voice assistant Siri has verbally abused a ten year-old boy who was playing with a demonstration phone at a Tesco’s store in Coventry.

The 10-year-old boy, Charlie Le Quesne, was doing what any inquisitive boy would do and was playing with smartphone at a store in Coventry.

According to the boy’s mother he asked Siri how many people there were in the world. The normally perfectly-mannered assistant gave an incredibly rude response: “I’m not sure what you said there, Shut The F**k Up, You Ugly T***”.

But, instead of the handset being to blame, it’s thought that someone might have actually changed the handsets name.

Charlie’s mum, Kim Le Quesne, told the  Coventry Evening Telegraph that she felt it was “verbal abuse”.

She said: “Charlie was with his dad looking at the phones. We can’t believe the filth it came out with.

“He showed my husband what the phone had said to him and my husband found the store manager and said ‘it shouldn’t be saying that’.”

Tesco released a statement which said: “We have arranged for the handset in question to be sent for diagnostic testing and we will investigate this issue as a matter of priority with Apple.”

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