Apple’s Taiwanese tech contractor to replace workers with robots

The Taiwanese company behind much of Apple’s iPad and iPhone tech has revealed that it’s to replace thousands of its manual labour with machine workers in the next three years.

Johnny 5 – Putting in the hours.

Foxconn is a secretive tech manufacturing contractor which currently ”employs” ten thousand robots in tasks such as parts assembly and spraying, and this number will be upped in the coming few years – and Founder Terry Gou, by some bizarre sense of logic, dropped the bombshell to his human workers during a staff party.

This news will surely mean further upset to the company’s 450,000 hands-on staff – following Apple passing its iPad 3 contract onto Pegatron, a rival Taiwanese tech co. Presumably, the loss of such a lucrative contract is the reason for the move to replace people with ‘droids.

And lest we forget the recent fire which killed two of their Foxconn co-workers and the string of suicides within the tech manufacturing company.

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