Blockbuster lists PS Vita UK release date as October 28th

Sony is yet to tell us Brits when we’ll be able to get our hands on its next-gen portable, the PS Vita, but we’ve had online retailers tease before. The latest leak of a release date comes from rental and retail store Blockbuster and brings that date even closer than previously reported – before the end of October in fact.

The PS Vita is set for release in “phased” releases around the world and back in June website defied Sony’s secretiveness and listed the former “NGP” up for pre-order with a release date stated as November 4th – the handheld gaming console becoming available on that day with a selection of games also listed for that date.

Blockbuster are going 7 days better and putting up Sony’s gaming gadget for an October 28th public launch. The only minor setback of getting to grips with the PS Vita a week earlier is that you’ll be expected to pay up the full RRP of £229.99 for the Wi-Fi model through the online rental store ( list theirs at £228.85).

We can only hope that Batman: Arkham City gets its PS Vita release to coincide with the portable’s spooky release date. Just a few days before Halloween this would be a real treat – No tricks!

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Source: Blockbuster