Apple’s Various Vehicle Plans Spotted

A document published by Apple has revealed that the company is looking into a whole host of vehicles and new ideas around said vehicles, which may come out at some point in the future. While it seems like the self driving car market is booming, the details don’t only cover cars, but smaller and less complicated vehicles too such as bicycles.

However, the legal document doesn’t stop at road vehicles – if you;re into that sort of thing, it looks like Apple is broadening their scope for vehicles out to trains, boats, aircraft and of course automobiles. The body of the document is usual legal jargon – nothing much of interest to the average fan, but what it represents is yet more clues to Apple’s rumored impending self driving car.

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We’ve been hearing rumors from all over the place concerning the mystery Apple road vehicle – a hiring war between Apple and Tesla, an electronic automobile maker, has shown that the company is looking to get some people in with proper knowledge of the idea of a self driving vehicle. It’s not only Tesla employees being poached by Apple, additional staff from across the automobile sector are flooding into the company.

Meanwhile other sources have touted that the company will have their own drone car or self driving transport vehicle out by 2020, an ambitious and far off date – vehicles are already being tested on roads in the UK this year. As of yet Apple CEO Tim cook has remained steadfast in his lack of shedding light on the rumors. He says he’s read them and acknowledged them but “can’t comment on it”.

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It’ll be a large undertaking for Apple to make the push into car tech – not only is it a slight deviation from their normal area of expertise but it also will require big investment and development for the company, who will have to rely on the experience of new staff as well as their own abilities in building such a vehicle from scratch.

Of course it could just be a rumor, but it’s a certainty if the project is real and does get off the ground the massive undertaking will most likely generate leaks of the same kind as we saw with the Apple Watch before it arrived. The flourishing self driving car market has already been entered by Google, whose car was undoubtedly one of the first to attract major media headlines… will Apple be joining in somewhere down the line? We’ll have to see as more news arrives.

Via: Techcrunch

Via: 9to5Mac