BBC rentals on Facebook – Doctor Who remasters launch service

The Beeb has joined the online rental revolution by blasting off on social network Facebook with a selection of nine story arcs and featuring many episodes of sci-fi series Doctor Who.

Auntie’s favourite time and space traveler launches the service, which will work much like the Warner Bros films service that appeared earlier this year, now the BBC Worldwide service will bring streaming content – at a fee – to Facebook as of today.

Vintage episodes of the British sci-fi saga have been remastered in DVD quality, but these are titles that have never previously been released on the format. Classics available include episodes such as “Tomb of the Cybermen” with second Doctor, Patrick Troughton, all the way through to more modern-era episode “End of the World” featuring Doctor reincarnation number nine, Christopher Eccleston. The BBC Worldwide service will also include a Facebook exclusive entitled – “The Greatest Show in the Galaxy”.

Christian Hernandez, of Facebook’s Platform Partnership’s says “Millions of people engage with their favourite TV shows on Facebook every day and we’re now seeing broadcasters look at innovative ways to use Facebook tools to connect their fans”.   

The episodes are streaming now fom the Doctor Who Facebook Page and will cost you only 15 of your Earthly Credits!

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