BlackBerry Bold 9790 Bellagio leaks in pictures

Research in Motion are quite well known for their inability to keep their future smartphones from making appearances online. In fact, this latest leak is of a smartphone that RIM themselves accidentally leaked a few weeks back.

The BlackBerry Bold 9790 – or the Bellagio as it is codenamed – was mentioned perhaps accidentally by RIM in a blog on their developer site last month, and now we have two new pictures of the device which are surprisingly unblurry.

Above you’ll see the Bellagio sitting alongside what looks to be a customised Bold 9700 or 9780, which seems to have certain areas of the casing swapped for a sandy coloured alternative.

The BlackBerry Bold 9790 doesn’t stray far from the classic design associated with RIM’s business-focussed smartphones. From the front, the handset looks very similar to the Bold 9700/9780 series, though RIM has altered the four hard keys below the screen to the same style as the new Torch 9850/9860 series.

The borrowed style from the Torch models continues as we see the phone flipped over, with the same battery door and chrome lip that runs across the top of the camera and around the sides. The right side of the phone features the same volume rocker keys and a camera button as the Torch 9850/60 series also.

RIM’s accidental blog post last month also gave us an insight into the specifications we can expect from this new BlackBerry Bold model. Screen size is 2.44-inches with a resolution of 480 x 360, while under the hood sits an 800MHz processor and 1GB of RAM for speedy browsing and messaging.

We’re expecting the Bold 9790 to start appearing in shops before the end of the year.

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Via: Crackberry