BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) update goes live – Easily share connected apps with pals

RIM launched its update for BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) to version 6.0 earlier this year – and as promised the first update has started to roll in bringing with it easy sharing for connected apps.


After inviting developers to get onboard and come up with third party software for the popular messaging and chat feature – standard to all BlackBerry gadgets – RIM has decided it’s finally time to let us see what’s been going on and let our buddies all know about it!

So, in addition to the rich social connection such as chat-in-game, through the new 6.0.1 update BlackBerry owners will find a new feature labelled ‘Explore BBM-Connected Apps’ allowing for quick finding and recommending to friends about the 25 most in-demand apps of the moment – inviting them to experience a new game or interesting application through the BBM social software, even making suggestions to those still using BBM 5.0. It’s a one-stop app-sharing platform.

The BBM v6.0.1 update follows an outage of the service a few weeks ago, angering many users for several days. All is sorted now (we hope!) and the update is available on the Blackberry BBM 6 website.

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