Nintendo reveals cool blue Wii bundle celebrating Mario & Sonic London 2012

Nintendo has revealed a blue Wii console, complete with matching Wii-mote and nunchuck, as part of a bundle to celebrate the release of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games.


Unlike the usual cool variant packages which are often available only in Japan – this one’s a European exclusive in honour of London hosting next year’s huge sporting tournaments. The bundle comes with everything you’ll need to hit the Wii experience running and comes complete with a copy of the Mario & Sonic 2012 game, which will be released on November 18th in Europe and the United Kingdom. We’d expect the console to appear at the same time, but no pricing has been made available at the moment.

Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympics Games is the follow-up to the popular 2009 title Sonic & Mario at the Olympics Games and its seasonal successor Sonic & Mario at the Winter Olympics. The new game follows the same premise – a series of athletic trials such as football, tennis and horse riding and featuring characters from the Super Mario Bros. and Sonic the Hedgehog franchises in familiar settings with a surreal twist.

In the London 2012, familiar sites from our capital including Big Ben of Westminster are transformed into obstacles and scenery to help or hinder your challenges.

The new look Wii may not be the traditional Sonic blue in tone, but as one of the only variant Nintendo consoles we’ve been privy to, we’ll take that over nothing!  

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