Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: Content Collection Finally Arrives for PC Gamers on May 8th

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Console owners have been enjoying some sweet DLCs for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in recent weeks and now home computer players can join in by grabbing the popular first-person shooter’s action-packed bonuses as Content Collection #1 deploys for Windows PC next Tuesday.

Previously available as exclusive Premium content through the Call of Duty Elite social and gaming network on Xbox LIVE and the Playstation Network, developer Infinity Ward and publisher Activision began offering up the previously released maps and missions as paid bundles for non-subscription gamers.

From May 8th these Content Collections will be made available for PC, starting with the New York-based Liberation and Piazza maps which were launched in January, as well as Overwatch and Black Box, both released in February – these accompanied by two exciting Special Ops missions.

This will bring non-console gamers up to speed with the latest Modern Warfare downloads, as two more packs prepare to roll out Xbox 360 and PS3 in April and May – with all 3 of those maps and one more new mission expected to appear as Content Collection #2 in June.

In other Call of Duty news, fans of Black Ops are sure to be excited by the latest developments on the follow-up to the 2010 original. With a number of leaks including title and release date and a supposedly official look at some of the futuristic weaponry we’ll see in the new game!

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