Category: Film & Media

  • The Witcher Coming To Netflix

    The Witcher Coming To Netflix

    Netflix announced they are developing and producing an English language drama series based on The Witcher. The Witcher started as a fantasy series of short stories and novels about the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia. It has since become globally popular, and has entranced fans across the planet since its first publication in Fantastyka. First written…

  • Ridley Scott Working On Alien VR

    Ridley Scott Working On Alien VR

    Yesterday, Ridley Scotts’ RSA Films announced the launch of RSA VR. This is both great and terrifying in the same instance. Sir Ridley Scott has quite the catalog of films behind him, the ones that truly terrify though and remain strong in memory are the Alien films. The face of Scott’s alien has reached iconic…