Doom Teaser Hits Before Bethesda E3 Showcase

A gameplay teaser for the long-awaited remake of the 1993 first-person shooter Doom has been released ahead of a full worldwide reveal by publisher Bethesda at this year’s E3 event next month.

The 11-second clip is so short that it’s over in a sleepy blink of an eye but baits us with a new version of the famous ‘super shotgun’ from the classic Doom games which is seen being loaded with two shells and snapped shut before taking on an alien foe with fearsome skeletal face and massive shoulder mounted arsenal – one of a slew of bizarre creatures and mutants expected to terrify Doom players new and veteran.

It’s clear that after a wait of several years Bethesda and developer id Software won’t be holding back when the reimagined Doom game is finally unleashed on Xbox One, PS4 and Windows PC at some point in 2016 and this new assault on the senses will be the feature attraction of a special E3 Showcase on June 14th at 7pm PT (2am GMT).

Until then, get this on loop and get ready to kick more butt..