Duke Nukem Forever released after 15 year development hell

James Cameron claims that he spent the best part of a decade planning his monster hit Avatar, but that’s got nothing on Duke Nukem Forever – the game at the heart of so many delays and set-backs that its release has arrived after nearly 15 years of development.

Released today on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, Duke Nukem Forever sees a development hell that’s lasted since 1996 come to an end, several developers alterations and complete restarts later. The infamous process has seen the title become to butt of endless in-jokes throughout the industry.

The FPS, which sees players take control of the eponymous warlord, picks up where its much-loved predecessor left off: aliens, scantily clad women, swearing and excessive political incorrectness, but is it enough?

Early indications say ‘no’, claiming that the long-awaited sequel sports grainy graphics, lags, aiming issues and a general tiredness from rehashing a franchise 15 years long-in-the-tooth. Will you be buying Duke Nukem Forever? Let us know on the Gadget Helpline Twitter feed.