Elaborate iPhone 5 Hoax Looks Incredibly Real, Based on Leaked Parts

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With iOS 6 officially announced and available to use in beta form, the countdown to the launch of the phone it has been created for is well and truly on. We’re talking about the iPhone 5 of course, which many creative types have already started to try and create through mockups and digital renders.

Recently we saw a very nice looking mockup of the phone which was created using the back and front parts of the case, which were both recently leaked online by third party repairs and spares companies. The phone looked very real, although it was plain to see that the phone was a digital design.

Somebody has taken things one step further, creating a similar-looking design and placing it in a real world environment. Upon first looks – and indeed second and third – the images look just like the phone in the flesh, pictured sitting on somebody’s wooden garden table.

We were sceptical, as firstly there are two of the phones – who is fortunate enough to have not one but two unreleased iPhones when they shouldn’t, besides Apple’s top employees. To add to that, the phone looks identical to the recent digital design and it’s a good three months or so ahead of Apple’s usual annual iPhone announcement. However, the pictures managed to fool several tech websites into thinking it was the real deal, or at least a prototype, including none other than Gizmodo.

The renders show the phone turned on and displaying the usual iOS 6 homescreen. With rumours of a larger screen featuring in the iPhone 5, Apple may alter the springboard to allow a 5 x 5 system with homescreen applications – this isn’t reflected at all on the screen in the pictures.

However, the designer has very cleverly added smudges and fingerprints to the metal part on the back of the phone – something which adds an impressive detail and air of realism, which could be what fooled many. The designer took to his Flickr page to brag about fooling Gizmodo and others, thus ending the game.

It may have been an elaborate hoax, but this design looks excellent – perhaps we’ll see something similar unveiled later in the year.

What do you think of the design? Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.
