Fable Fortune – Released On Kickstarter

A little known group of former Lionhead developers have announced that they plan to crowdfund a digital card game based on the Lore and mechanics of the Fable franchise. Starting on Kickstarter today at 3 P.M, coinciding with this post, they are aiming to raise £250,000 to bring Fable Fortune to life.

Fable was originally created by Microsoft after they purchased Lionhead studios back in 2006. They had quite a good run after that under the Microsoft wing and were in the process of making a new game called Fable Legends. Unfortunately on March 7th this year Microsoft announced they would be closing Lionhead Studios and the planned game would be cancelled.

On the 29th April 2016 Lionhead officially closed for trading.

Fable Fortune will be Free-to-play and the team behind it (Flaming Fowl Studios) aim to release by early 2017 on both Xbox One and PC.

FFS’ campaign aims to bring the fondly thought of series back to life after Microsoft nailed the coffin shut.

FFS are an independent studio comprising Lionhead alumni Criag Oman, Mike West and Marcus Lynn and have licensed the Fable IP from Microsoft for Fable Fortune.

The team have already revealed that the game originally entered development in 2014 but was unfortunately cancelled along with Fable Legends at the same time.

The game will be similar to others such as Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh etc. It will have Fable-like quests along with heroes and powers. There will be single play and multi-play elements including co-op, something Hearthstone only manages occasionally with special events.


“I think this is something that Fable fans are going to enjoy,” Oman was quoted in saying “We’re definitely very keen to keep giving them new and interesting things. We have the ability to add new creatures and characters to this game and the world of Albion. I think we can certainly give them that Fable fix that they’ll be looking for.”

As long as crowdfunding targets are achieved, Flaming Fowl Studios aim to being closed Beta testing during the closing weeks of the campaign. There will then be an Open-Beta following in October before general release early 2017.

Should the crowdfunding project be successful, Flaming Foul Studios hopes to begin closed beta testing during the closing weeks of the campaign. An open beta would then be scheduled to follow in October before the game’s general release in early 2017.