Facebook adds malicious link scanning and racism blocking to social net safety

Facebook will be doubling it’s fight on unpleasant attacks on our accounts and gadget health, with it’s Web of Trust scheme by implementing a link scanning system through a partnership with San Diego based web safety co. Websense.

With it becoming ever-more easy to share content socially and friend clicking each other’s shared links numerous times daily, the new checks will determine whether a shared link is safe or contains malicious content or viruses and present a warning before it can be posted on a user’s wall, and before it appears in the public news feed, potentially passing on the virus to pals.

Websense’s Threatseeker Cloud system supports the social scheme and what is essentially an invisible floating filter picks up on any troublesome third-party links from an ever-updating database.

It provides “a full content analysis and categorization, including Web and content classification, reputation and behavioral analysis, file and data analysis, and security filtering” – this before bringing up a notification explaining to the Facebook user what the reason is for the page being flagged by the virtual customs. The scanning tech will not only be used for malware but Facebook will also be using the scheme for the purpose of eliminating racist content.

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