Facebook app store: ‘Project Spartan’ HMTL5 web store set to land on iPhone

Facebook looks set to challenge Apple’s dominance of the iPhone app ecosystem by introducing its own app market, based around HTML5 and currently named ‘Project Spartan’.

The store, which is scheduled to land in a few weeks time, will run in-browser on the iPhone’s version of Safari, and gift access to reams of apps that users won’t be able to access through the official Apple App Store.

Around 80 developers have signed up so far, including the makers of Facebook smash hit Farmville. It’s a project started several months ago, according to sources, and some claim that it’s in direct response to Apple’s move to integrate Twitter closely into iOS 5.

It’s not the first time a third party has tried to get in on the app action; Amazon launched the Amazon app store for Android earlier this year. With Apple’s App Store for the iPhone being notoriously strict and locked down, could Facebook’s ‘Project Spartan’ loosen things up a bit? Or is the social networking king out of its depth?

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