Facebook Planning ‘Cold Storage’ for All Your Old Embarrassing Photos

It’s been reported that Facebook is preparing to ship all those embarrassing old college pics and potentially relationship jeopardizing  snaps with our exes off to a secondary server – or ‘cold storage’ to make accessing our current posts that much faster.

Facebook creators have discovered that very few of these past photos are viewed and the strain of hosting them on the ‘hot server’ (current and recent uploads) is becoming a drag for all of us who enjoy sharing and stalking on the social network.  240 billion photos are currently hosted on one set of servers with hundreds of millions more added daily as online socialites share snaps of everything from daily “selfies” to their last meal.

Facebook is looking to move all older content including photos, videos and status updates to a ‘vault’ of three new server sites. These will be based in Prineville, Oregon and offer eight times the capacity of the existing one. The servers will be slower than those hosting most recent content but Facebook makes a point of explaining this will not only improve the overall user experience but will also be more energy efficient. It’ll also save Facebook a few bucks.

Source: The Oreganian