The Gadget Helpline Visits Nokia Sponsoring Brisfest

As avid readers to the blog will know we give a fair bit of time talking about the latest developments and product launches from Nokia. So imagine our delight when some of our staff popped along to the sold out Brisfest event on the Ashton Court Estate yesterday to find that the mobile maker was a sponsor and they actually knew of the Gadget Helpline!

Nokia is at the Bristol-based music and arts festival this weekend offering free wireless internet to revellers as well as connecting phone fans with the latest info on the Lumia Windows Phones range. When we mentioned our blog and our passion for Nokia the lovely ladies working the tent were more than obliging to give us loads of freebies including beach towels, sweatbands, a bag full of lanyards – enough for our entire team, and some tiled Lumia sunglasses – just what was needed for the super sunny day we were enjoying. As thanks we promised to give them a mention and to send you their way if you happen to be visiting the very diverse festival on its second and final day!

If you didn’t already know Nokia has recently announced its latest addition to the Lumia family – the Lumia 920. Again it comes packing Microsoft’s mobile OS Windows Phone, which is now in it’s 8th full revision. The device runs on a speedy 1.5GHz dual-core Qualcomm CPU and you can bump up you storage to 32GB using a MicroSD card and the smartphone will be capable of handling 4G mobile data when the service arrives in the U.K soon. A 4.5 inch LCD multi touch display is protected by Gorilla Glass and snap happy smartphone owners will enjoy a sharp 8.5 megapixels and enhanced imagine stabilization provided by Pureview technology – ideal for those festival shots!

The Nokia Lumia 920 is set to appear on shelves in a range of funky colours toward the end of October but you can sign up online at the website for the latest info. And the Gadget Helpline will of course be bringing you all the updates right here on the blog. Be sure to say hi to our friends at the Nokia tent at Brisfest!

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