GAME Still Fighting: UK Retail Chain Issues Letters to Customers Before Closure of 35 Stores

It’s been painful to watch the decline of retail chain GAME. Yes, there have been bargains galore for us gamers with massive price cuts across all consoles to make the much needed revenue to save the store and its sibling company Gamestation, which now reaches an impossible to reach £180-million, but with just one week to do this we really don’t see how this is possible and further signifying that the end is nigh GAME has issued advance notice to customers in Hull, Wrexham, Bracknell and Berkshire areas that their local stores will be closing indefinitely.

Alongside other stores, these locations are part of a cull which will be the last ditch attempt to save at least some of the GAME stores in the chains zero hour and keep the creditors at bay, reducing the number of operating U.K stores from 610 to 575. Pre-ordered games for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, PC and the regular line-up will be shipped to other stores for customers to pick up. But if this wasn’t inconvenient enough for gamers, we can’t forget the no-show of highly anticipated title Mass Effect 3 two weeks ago and the withdrawal of support by a number of publishers last week, including Activision, Microsoft, Nintendo and EA Games.

The shun by the top game publishers means that upcoming titles such as FIFA Street, Resident Evil: Racoon City and Street Fighter X Tekken will be absent from the shelves as GAME and Gamestation stores face the last few days for survival with no sign of a buyout.

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