Gaming Weekly – Arkham City gets Nightwing, Mirrors Edge 2 and Battlefields Controversy

Stalker 2 Developer Warns of Controversial Online-Only DRM in Next STALKER Title

In response to massive piracy of the popular Stalker franchise, developer GSC Game World has been hunting around for a less controversial protection method for their next game, Stalker 2.

The franchise, which takes place in an ultra-scary fictionalized version of the Chernobyl Zone Of Alienation, has been increasing in popularity recently, due to increased online media coverage and also many, many Steam sales of all three titles in the series.

The first rumors that the Urkanian developer might go down the ‘always-online’ DRM route appeared when an interview suggested that the method might be used in upcoming Stalker 2, which will release of course on PC, but for the first time on major consoles such as the PS3 and Xbox 360.

According to GSC, no actual decision on DRM has been officially made.

“The idea of implementing DRM came in as a possible anti-piracy solution,”

“You know the severe level of commercial piracy we have here in ex-USSR region. This said however, there is no firm decision to go for DRM with Stalker 2 as of now. Be assured, we do realize how uncomfortable this solution is for the players, so we’ll continue looking for most effective, yet acceptable for all, way of protecting the game by the time of its release.”

The Always-connected DRM approach has always caused controversy amongst gamers, as more and more developers decide it’s the best and only ay to protect games.

Stalker 2 was announced to the public last August, at the same time as the developer GSC Game World announced that the franchise had sold 4 million copies as of that time.

Mirror’s Edge Developer Reckons It’s Time For A Sequel

Mirror’s Edge Developer Reckons It’s Time For A Sequel

DICE of Battlefield fame have decided that the time is right for a sequel to acclaimed-yet-flawed freerunning FPS Mirror’s Edge.

When asked if a sequel to the cult favourite would attract an audience, DICE producer Patrick Liu replied, “I think it’s something that people are ready to get into again.”

“We see that there’s a huge fan following, it’s almost like a cult! And we know what strengths we had, and what weaknesses we had in that game. If we were to release a new game, we’d know what to improve and how to reach a broader audience. So I definitely think there’s a market there.”

On the other hand EA have not as of yet released any indicators that a sequel to Mirror’s Edge will appear, but EA reps remain hopeful.

“We’re actively looking at how to bring it back in the right way,” Announced Ea executive Frank Gibeau earlier this year

“We love that franchise, the DICE guys really created something special the first time around. You’ve got to have a big idea to be able to do the next one, and that’s what we’re working on.”

Nightwing comes to Arkham City

With only a week left to wait till we get our grubby little fan boy hands on Batman: Arkham City if we weren’t already excite to prowl the streets of Gotham and get to Knock out (not kill…Batman doesn’t kill) thugs, beasts, Villains and pretty much anything else that stands in our way, Warner Bros. Interactive has released images of the 4th and final DLC character… NIGHTWING!

For those of you who don’t Know Nightwing is the orginal Boy wonder Robin when he is all grown up ioyt of the tight green shorts and has gone his separate way from Batman to be his on man.

Now we have know fo a while now that Nightwing will be the last DLC character along with the new Robin, Catwoman and Batman himself and all characters will be compatible with all Arkham City challenge maps.

Nightwing will be available as downloadable content on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. He’ll come as part of the Nightwing Bundle pack, and includes his own unique gadgets and special moves and the bundle will also include two new challenge maps, called Wayne Manor and Main Hall

Unfortunately you will have to pay up to get your hands on Dick Greyson for a sum of  560 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE or $6.99 (Around £6) on PlayStation Network. It will be available on November 1st on both platforms with the Robin Bundle Pack available separately on November 22nd.

Battlefield 3 Features Controversial Cop-Killa Mission

According to a recent ESRB listing, Battlefield 3 will feature a mission that requires players to ‘cap some pigs’ in order to finish the level.

“The frequent combat is highlighted by realistic gunfire and large explosions; characters sometimes scream and emit large splashes of blood when shot. Players can also engage in hand-to-hand combat: repeatedly punching enemies in the face; stabbing soldiers to death with knives.

“In one sequence, a restrained character’s throat is slit (off-screen); in another, players shoot police officers to complete a mission objective. The words ‘f***’ and ‘s***’ can be heard frequently in the dialogue.”

Ea hasn’t yet replied to gamer requests to what kind of context in which the cop killing takes place, but hopefully those police officers taken down are corrupt haters or something.

This feature conflicts with recent comments made by Battlefield producer Patrick Back earlier this year, in which he claimed that gamers wouldn’t be put in situations considered ‘naughty’ by the more conservative game consumers.

“If you put the player in front of a choice where they can do good things or bad things, they will do bad things, go dark side – because people think it’s cool to be naughty, they won’t be caught,” he explained.

“We have to build our experiences so we don’t put the player in experiences where they can do bad things.”

Xbox 360 Dashboard Update Imminent

according to sources near ro around GigaOM, an Xbox 360 dashboard update will appear on November 25th.

If this stament is correct a host of nex 360 features will arrive on the suspected Black Friday update, including HBO and Verizon apps in the US and BBC iPlayer in the UK.

The new apps are reportedly built with Microsoft’s app framework Silverlight, which has previously been used for web applications such as playing videos.

“The goal is to quickly mature the platform, with the potential of enabling other third-party developers to eventually use the Lakeview framework to build their own apps for the Xbox 360 console,” says GigaOM.

Forza Motorsport 4 Coming Friday

Definitely coming Friday.

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