Google blocking Blogger sites with porn adverts from June 30th

Google has issued a warning today to users of its Blogger platform, stating that they will be cracking down on the usage of pornographic content for monetization purposes. Google advised that from June 30th that posts or blogs will be removed if they deem a sites to that have links to adult content and advertisements for pornographic websites.

The use of adult adverts has always been prohibited by Blogger’s current content policy but this does not mean that users cannot post images and videos that contain nudity and sexual activity, provided they categorise their blog appropriately in the settings panel. The policy just means they cant make money from them!

However, this has been happening on the platform (possibly due to a lax attitude from Google) and now Google is putting its foot down to stamp out this money making scheme.

Google has sent an email out to all Blogger users where they state:

“You are receiving this message because you are the admin of a blog hosted on Blogger which is identified as having Adult content”

“Please be advised that on June 30th 2013, we will be updating our Content Policy to strictly prohibit the monetization of Adult content on Blogger. After June 30th 2013, we will be enforcing this policy and will remove blogs which are adult in nature and displaying advertisements to adult websites.”

“If your adult blog currently has advertisements which are adult in nature, you should remove them as soon as possible to avoid any potential Terms of Service violation and/or content removals.“

“Sincerely, The Blogger Team”

So that’s it for those making a bit of cash from advertising adult related websites on Blogger, as Google is cracking down and making sure that they are the only ones making money from porn!

So if you do have adverts of adult nature on your Blogger site then now is the time to remove them before the Google Police get you.