After we heard that Google had created an official Google Glass division in their company headed up by a new project leader, we expected there to be an announcement related to the glasses soon. Apparently the earlier models of the prototype version of Glass are just not up to scratch, according to that new project head Tony Fadell.

The extended period of beta testing and trials known as the Explorer Program apparently was enough for Glass, as Fadell has stated that the next version, redesigned from the ground up, will not be subject to the same kind of public prototype testing as the previous devices. Consider earlier models antiques from now on.

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An adviser to Mr. Fadell said, according to the New York Times, that “There will be no public experimentation,” explaining that Fadell is “a product guy and he’s not going to release something until it’s perfect.”.

So what some hailed as the death of Glass has indeed been an official restarting of the program based on the earlier testing and the Explorer Program. As expected, a period of development into a fully integrated consumer version of the glasses is to begin, or has begun already.

We saw this mockup earlier last year, but could new Glass versions look different thanks to the new plans?

OF course it has been a very long time since the first forays into Glass, and the software behind it themselves began. Some report that it was as far back as 2009 when the first ideas of wearable technology were being bounced around Google, and indeed Glass was one of the first main pushes into wearable tech, a good while before the new smart watch era and the upcoming series of virtual reality headsets.

With fashion designer Ivy Ross on board along with Fadell and his drive towards a finished product, a shinier, better looking version of Glass is hopefully on the way. With regards to on board hardware, we could expect a higher performance product as a new generation of extra small chips is currently hitting the market.

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“Early Glass efforts have broken ground and allowed us to learn what’s important to consumers and enterprises alike,” Said Fadell in a statement recently  “I’m excited to be working with Ivy to provide direction and support as she leads the team and we work together to integrate those learnings into future products.”

Glass is back on the drawing board, and even though it could be quite a while before we see a finished product, it’s great to heart the project hasn’t been shelved. Let’s just hope the amount of prototype versions stays at the minimum this time around.

Source: NY Times

Via: Engadget