Google News will receive major changes – starting with US

The face of Google News will be getting some work done when some major changes to the service come into effect – initially rolling out in the US with the rest of the world set to follow.

The Google News service is widely used all across the globe as a news hub, and the changes are set to make news more accessible and with much less “clutter”.

Main changes to Google News include a click-to-expand feature allowing a smaller headline to be opened up into a full story with slide bar viewing of multimedia including photos and videos, labelled diversity with genre categorisation and multimedia options and personalisation which will display top news stories relevant to user preferences.

The service will also receive a “less-is-more” makeover which will mean one simplified column of news rather than the two familiar columns we are used to. If you’re not one for change, there will be a setting which will allow you to revert to the original two columns.

A press release detailing the change in full can be found on the Official Google Blog.

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