Google Offerring New Chromecast Customers Free Stuff

Google has launched another Chromecast promotion, one that the company no doubt hopes will attract even more customers to its streaming dongle, as if the low price and fantastic features weren’t already enough. But they are fighting Apple TV so it makes sense to provide added incentives.

So for anyone who buys a new Chromecast between now and April 19 you will receive what google described as being $80 worth of free stuff. This includes a three-month subscription to Google Play Music – Googles music streaming service, a month of Qello Concerts – A hd streaming service for Live concerts, music documentaries and related films, three months of DramaFever, another three of Sesame Street GO, and one movie rental from Google Play Movies. All in all quite a lot of stuff. How useful you’ll find each bit will vary but still free stuff.

Google might be hoping to boost its user base to help in securing partnerships with content providers, like what Apple did with HBO, although seems google is going deeper down the music road than Apple, seems a little backward to me.

Perhaps similarly, Apple slashed Apple TV’s price recently but as far a s value for money they still aren’t close to competing with the Chromecast.

It’s also entirely possible that Google has some big content-related announcements in store for Google IO 2015, and this could be their way of luring in some extra users before then. Fingers crossed the Chromecast can only get better.