No matter how much you try, you’ll never be able to escape other people ruining big TV show surprises on your favorite social networks. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit – it’s all a big struggle to avoid the spoilers when you’re a daily viewer of the social sphere.
Google has decided to step in with a cool solution, helped by their extensive indexing systems that cover a huge portion of the internet. Using Google software, show spoilers could be detected and put behind a screen which users can choose to click through.
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Additionally, a system is also proposed in a recently discovered patent that could track a user’s progress through a show and then remove spoiler warnings as and when the user has seen that particular episode. For shows like Game of Thrones, Scandal and Orange Is The New Black, if you’re even one day behind the main release the plot can be spoiled before you get around to catching up.

Jumping on social media at work or at college can ruin your evening’s entertainment – Google has also proposed that users could then create and maintain their own fan groups through the service that both track their progress and help small communities add their own spoiler warnings.
The idea is that if the users on a fan page or community all show their particular level of progress through a show, it would encourage people to stay up to date as well as make sure nobody drops any clangers and spoils the new episodes for their friends who are a little behind.
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Online streaming services such as Netflix really lend themselves to this kind of system – it’s not all that difficult for Google’s service to connect with the site – meaning that automatic updates could be pushed to the spoiler system as and when people finish an episode online – all without any input from users.
The end result would basically be a fully automated system that keeps spoilers away from you with no real input from the end user. No doubt it’ll take a long time to create, and may not arrive for some years. As internet TV becomes bigger Google’s idea is a great early start for a much more connected web for TV fans. Although it won’t stop upcoming Game of Thrones spoilers when the new season debuts this Monday…
Via: Techspot