Windows 10 Installer Found In New Update

It’s the beginning of a whole new Windows for users of the previous 7 and 8.1 versions of the operating system – a new update for both older versions has been revealed to contain an installer program for Windows 10. The update, which is optional and known as the ‘KB3035583 update’, includes a file called “GWXUXWorker.EXE” which holds some Windows 10 hints.

The new optional update also adds a folder in the System32 area labeled ‘GWX’ which you could surmise stands for Get Windows 10 (X being old Roman numerals for 10).Inside the GWX installer file’s description is a passage of text which somewhere includes the phrase “Download Windows 10” which is what caused the fuss, along with the GWX label.

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Presumably this file is capable of initiating the download process via a dedicated download/install window similar to when you initiate the Windows 8 upgrade from Windows 7. Getting the update source on board first is a good idea – but when will prompts start to appear on updated machines to get the OS?

The deadline for the Windows 10 release is rumored to be revealed at Microsoft’s Build 2015 conference some time this month – and the technical preview conveniently ends on the 15th, so hopefully users with the installer preloaded may be prompted to get hold of the OS at some point before the end of the month… hopefully, that is if Windows 10 is really going to be finished before the end of April.

Alternatively, the OS could be released further along in the year, and the Build 215 rumored announcement could just be for a later release and not a ‘this is out now’ reminder. however, the OS has been in development for ages and the technical preview is so far along it’s pretty much a finished product in its own right. Even so, more periodic updates as well as last minute features could still be waiting to arrive.

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One of the biggest issues for the Windows 10 release is piracy. pirates of Windows 7 and 8.1 may be prompted to download the new version and even scanned for the authenticity of their product. It’s sort of a trap in a way, you download a new version of Windows 10 from an older pirated copy and then get hit with the ultimatum to pay up or get out by Microsoft as soon as you get your free new OS.

If your Windows copy is genuine, it’ll be a free update with no problems or verification required, hopefully. This is a great opportunity for those who have recently got onto Windows 8.1 to upgrade from what some consider to be an ‘unfinished’ OS. At any rate, watch this space for new coverage.

Via: Techradar