Google’s successful Instant Previews feature, which appeared on the search site in November last year, has now arrived for mobile phone users.

Google Instant Previews goes mobile

The addition of a small magnifying glass icon to Google search results brings up a miniaturized preview of search results which pops up at the click of a mouse (and now touchscreen) and does not interfere with your web-browsing.

A high priority for Google and their search engine this year is quality of content, having already purged many low quality sites and “content farms” from their listings with recent changes to their algorithm. The latest feature lets us at least take a look at what we’re clicking on before getting lured in by the endless rubbish appearing in our search results.

Google may not have got round to taking out all the trash but they are however generously providing the tools for us to be better equipped to avoid it, as well as eliminating the back-and-forth browsing and loading of sites unnecessarily, which can at times be very frustrating!

Google Instant Previews translates very well to phones offering a chance to quickly and smoothly sample search results and get the best of our mobile web-browsing experience and is now available through Android 2.2, iOS 4.0 and respective updates.