Google+ social web invites stopped due to “Insane Demand”!

In just one day the excitement over Google’s social experience Google+ has taken over the World Wide Web – so much so that the company are no longer accepting applicants to its Facebook rival at this time.

Membership to Google+, the new personal-approach social network – is currently by invite only, and many sites and individuals already onboard with the trial version have been using their social cred to issue invitations to others who were not included on Google exclusive list. Google have, for the moment at least, pulled any further invites.

Posting from the Google+ platform itself company man Vic Gundotra says “We’ve shut down invite mechanism for the night”. This due to what he claims as “Insane demand. We need to do this carefully, and in a controlled way. Thank you all for your interest!”

Google+ will bring back the social element that seems to be missing from other networks, allowing our more intimate connections to be more prioritised – so we can share conversation and items of interest with our family, and close friends +Circles, away from casual acquaintances or share specific +Interests with likeminded folk with relevancy to specific members of the online community.

The social net will also integrate the lovechild of Facebook Chat and Skype, in the form of +Hangout – a casual video chat element letting you shoot the breeze with your best Gs whenever you get a few minutes to spare.

The Gadget Helpline was disappointingly not on Google’s list, nor has anyone been so kind to invite us third-party (meanies!). So we’ve only gotten a preview of what’s in store when the Google+ social network drops in full in the coming months. We have however brought you an in-depth look at the key features of the service which looks set to “reboot” the online social experience. You can read our detailed article HERE.

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