Google Trends 2014 shows Just what we have searched for across the Year!

2014 is nearly over, and with the way we use the internet in every part of our lives, its clear to see that google have a good view of just how what the world is thinking and doing throughout 2014. So to Celebrate this Google have launched their annual Google Trends page for 2014 so we can see and list just what we have been searching for across the globe.

You can see what’s been searched for globally or if you want you can filter it down to country, so us folks in the UK seemed to search for the Death of Peaches Geldof more than that of Robin Williams in the overall Searches.

However, the tragic Death of Robin Williams does top the overall most searched words on Google in 2014, with the small matters of the World Cup, Ebola, Malaysia Airlines and ALS Ice Bucket Challenge filling out the rest of the top 5.

Other Areas of search in 2014 include the Athletics (or all sports) where Brazilian footballers James Rodriguez tops the list, People where Jennifer Lawrence has nudged out Kim Kardashian and the all-conquering iPhone 6 winning the Consumer Electronics field.

Breaking it down to countries sees different search options, including the Uk’s most searched for Cake Recipes… which is Chocolate Cake FYI and the top TV shows searched for in the UK which belongs to Peppa Pig, who beats out Coronation Street, Eastenders and even Game of Thrones!

You can also explore some of the year’s biggest stories including Headlines, Sports, Fame, Science + Tech, Loss, Day-To-Day Life, Web Culture and Pop Culture all of which have an in-depth report on what 2014 was all about.

It’s a great read (and time waster! ) so go and check out Google 2014 Trends!