Guardian Reports Apple to Unveil New Textured iPad 3 Screen

Rumours uncovered by the Guardian suggest that the new iPad 3/HD could be coming with new screen tech which will look to mimic a textured surface.

The reports suggests this could be why Apple used the word “Touch” in their invites, the invites cryptically said: “We have something you really have to see. And touch.”

The Guardian’s hypothesis is that Apple will unveil something no-one has really considered; a textured feel to the new HD screen.

The Guardian’s hunch is that the emphasis on the word touch refers to some new technology from a Finnish startup Sensag which has developed a system called E-Sense that cleverly gives texture to a touchscreen via electronic fields.

By using a new technique called “tixels” generated by electric fields from elements embedded around the screen, it can make areas of the screen feel rough, ridged or rounded – and change just as the screen pixels can change.”

The report is so left-field it might actually be a true, a screen with incredible pixel density and new world-first texture technologies could be the killer feature that will win over skeptics who were probably just expecting a better screen resolution.

It’s not long until we find out what Apple has planned as the unveiling kicks-off at 6pm UK time tomorrow in San Francisco.

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