Harry Potter app brings the magic to Virgin Media’s TiVo

Just like “The Boy Who Lived” himself, the Harry Potter franchise refuses to die with the final movie instalment hitting the cinemas this week and Virgin Media announcing they’ve snapped up a deal with Warner Bros Pictures which will continue to bring the fantasy on to the recently launched TiVo service.

Maybe at the cinema – but the magic continues on Virgin Media’s TiVo.

Hogwarts will be apparating on to Virgin’s TiVo on-demand and recording platform for TV and mobile through a new application, and subscribing Muggles will find streaming content such as clips, trailers and interviews through the broadband telly box. Pot-heads can also read up on their favourite characters, as well as the thesps beneath those pointy hats – or simply ogle photos of Emma Watson, if you so please.

The app will also be streaming the official Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Twitter feed and allow access to all 7 past movies through the Virgin Media Film Flex service – However we imagine the “rental” fees will still apply.

This says a great deal about the forward approach from Virgin in regards to the TiVo service. They promised apps, and they are delivering – with a touch of magic!

“All this Harry is driving me Potty..”

Author JK Rowling recently revealed her big secret – No, not that she’s more money-grabbing than a Gringott’s Goblin – She’s bringing her world onto the web in an “expanded universe” (much less geeky Star Wars reference). You can read the Gadget Helpline’s article covering Pottermore HERE.

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