Hotmail updated to be more like Outlook

Microsoft has announced a slew of new features for its Hotmail web email service.

Over the past few weeks Microsoft have been working on new features for their long-standing Hotmail email service, all of which were announced at the end of last week.

A number of the new features take inspiration from Outlook, Microsoft’s exchange email program. For instance, a number of keyboard shortcuts have been ported straight from Outlook to Hotmail; Ctrl+N will create a new email message and Ctrl+Enter will send the email automatically.

Keyboard shortcuts have also been taken from rival email providers Gmail and Yahoo and integrated with Hotmail. Pressing # will delete messages (a Gmail feature) and pressing N will create a new email (a Yahoo feature). You can view the full list of keyboard shortcuts as published by Microsoft here.

One of the main new features is a right click menu within the inbox. Right clicking on an email will give users a pop-up menu with reply, reply all and forward options. These options join the existing Mark as unread, Delete, Junk, Move and View message right click options you’ll find in Hotmail.

As well as new features, Microsoft has been busy fixing any issues they have received customer complaints about. They say that the back button now works better, attachment downloading and saving has been improved, and that the site as a whole has been given a boost with HTML5.

The new features are available right now so check them out and be sure to let us know what you think via our Facebook and Twitter pages. You can view a video from Microsoft about the new features below.