The N9 is a handset with potential and MeeGo is an OS with massive potential, but guess what? Nokia have decided the N9 will be the last of its kind from the finnish manufacturer, no matter how well the N9 does.

The N9 is as beautiful as it is powerful and I know there are a lot of people excited at the potential that the device has with its MeeGo OS and the Alien Dalvik capabilities. Here at the Gadget Helpline we cannot wait to see what the device is going to be able to do once some developers get their hands on it.

That is where the good news ends unfortunately, as in an interview with Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, Nokia CEO Stephen Elop confirmed that even if the N9 proves to be a massive success, Nokia will not be going back to MeeGo to produce more handsets.

You would think after all the positive reviews and interest the N9 has stirred up, Nokia’s ears would of perked up and they would be thinking they could be onto a good thing here. Nope! Nokia are adamant that apart from the N9, MeeGo has no place next to Windows Phone 7.

Personally I think the worst thing Nokia could do is to stop support and future development of MeeGo, but in hindsight the fact they are showing full support to Windows Phone can only be a good thing, as it would make no sense to half heartedly support a range of different OS’ – focussing all attention to WP7 would be a good move for Nokia.

The future however does look good for Nokia with WP7 handsets looking to come out soon, and there is quite a stir on how the partnership will help both Nokia and Microsoft.

Hopefully Nokia change their minds and keep the MeeGo revolution going, as there seems to be more excitement about one MeeGo handset than the fact that Nokia are going to support WP7 for the foreseeable future.

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