How Feedly Will Bring Your News Feed to Apple Watch

With the sales release of the highly-anticipated Apple Watch just around the corner on April 24th, news aggregator Feedly has given a first glimpse at a handy app it’s been developing which will bring an abbreviated version of your news feed to Apple’s first wearable.

Feedly has taken the casual-use nature of the Apple Watch into consideration when designing its app, and rather than provide every news story from your feed in full wordy detail it will instead offer a quick look at the best 8 stories gathered from the news sources you follow.

From the selected 8 you’ll be able to read a short snippet or first paragraph of the article, accompanied by headline and one image, and you can use a scrolling gesture up or down to read the extract from one story or side-to-side to move through each of the other stories on the Apple Watch’s 38-42mm display. Pretty simple and effective and if you like the sample and want to read the whole article you can easily tap to tag it or save it for later.

The info is synced right to the Feedly iOS app so that when you next open it up on your iPhone or iPad you can resume your reading with a single tap when you’re ready to. If you want to read an article right away the option is there on the Apple Watch to continue reading and this will open the app on your main device and load the news content immediately.

By the end of the month you may even be previewing a Gadget Helpline article on your brand new Apple Watch!

Feedly offers full details about its work with Apple Watch in its latest Behind the Curtain feature.