We at the GadgetHelpline have recently had the pleasure of using and playing with the HTC ChaCha for a week or so and have created our very fist Video review of the latest HTC Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread sporting smartphone.

We took the time use the HTC ChaCha in a normal user way including using the Facebook integration, Capturing images, messaging and most importantly taking full advantage of the handsets full QWERTY keyboard.

If you’re not that familiar with the specs of the new ChaCha, the social networking smartphone features a 600Mhz CPU, 512MB RAM, runs Android 2.4 (Gingerbread), Bluetooth 3.0, 5MP camera, and most importantly has the dedicated Facebook button.

In the Video we run through some of the Pros and Cons we have found for the handset including the keyboard, Handset name, Facebook button and its uses’, Screen, Controls and even the internal memory of the phone.

You can check out some more information on the HTC ChaCha on our Gadget HELP guides Here and Here or check out a full interactive manual Here.

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