Only in Japan! RC Tissue Box – Ideal for summer sniffle sufferers!

Summer’s here! For some it’s a reason to rejoice. For others it’s a time to close those windows, load up on pills and keep a tissue box handy at all times. You’ll know it by the sounds of howling sneezes around the office. That’s right – Its hay fever season again!

Fortunately a little gadgetry is at hand that can make life just a little bit easier, and you can find it Only in Japan!

Japan Trend Shop is now selling this ingenious way of scooting tissues around the workplace – it’s a radio controlled tissue box transportation device, which delivers those much needed wipes anywhere in an 8 meter radius of the controller and its really got some speed on it (as seen on the site’s video demo)! It won’t hang around when your snotty beak threatens downpour on your paperwork, or you’ve got a major nasal blowout building up.

One the other hand, if you’re not suffering the sniffles you could be the office nasty and drive the diminutive emergency vehicle away from those in need.. Just an idea.

The RC Driving Tissue Box comes in 3 colours – Red, Black or White – Costing a quite pricey $42 per set on the American-based Japanese import site, we might just get up a walk for a tissue. Clever idea though!

Last week’s Only in Japan! featured the bizarre hand cases for iPhone 4 – Check them out (if you dare) in the article – here.

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Source: Japan Trend Shop