HTC Confirms One X Wi-Fi Issues, Problem is Hardware Related

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Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC has acknowledged the Wi-Fi connectivity issues that have been plaguing some users of its One X superphone.

We’ve heard several reports from our customers that Wi-Fi hasn’t been tip-top on the new phone, with some customers also reporting that Bluetooth and GPS connectivity are affected and unreliable.

This sort of thing is usually fixed by a software update, which we had been hoping for. Unfortunately it seems as though the One X may suffer from a similar fate to the iPhone 4, with the problem being related to a hardware design. HTC issued a statement to explain the problem:

“After investigating isolated reports of Wi-Fi connectivity issues in the HTC One X, we have identified a fix that strengthens the area of the phone around the Wi-Fi antennae connection points.”

The manufacturer went on to add, “While many customers have not experienced any problems with signal strength, we have taken immediate steps to implement a solution in our production process to prevent this issue from happening in the future.”

So it’s bad news for anybody out there with a problematic HTC One X – the issue won’t be fixed using a software update, rather it’ll need a replacement or repair. HTC hasn’t confirmed the procedure for the affected handsets just yet.

If you’re looking at getting a HTC One X soon, it may be worth holding off for a while until the newer, redesigned models start to hit the shops. Alternatively, you might want to take a look at our comparison of the Samsung Galaxy SIII and HTC One X.

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