HTC One X & EVO 4G LTE Pass U.S Customs Inspections

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After being held up by U.S Customs all of the HTC handsets caught up in the copyright controversy with courtroom contender Apple have now been passed as fit for sale within the country.

The quad-core Android ICS super-smartphone, HTC’s One X as well as the EVO 4G LTE were amongst those stopped on entry after the devices supposedly infringed on several patents owned by Apple who not only make iPhones and iPads but also generally make life difficult for anyone else trying to sell anything, anywhere. Apple previously chased Samsung around the world, successfully getting courts to order the Galaxy Tab, Samsung’s iPad rival, to be withdrawn from shelves in a number of countries.

Things looked promising for the arrival of HTC latest impressive line-up until the disappointing hold up, which saw the gadgets subject to an inspection which has taken around two weeks to gain full clearance. The Taiwanese company reports today “HTC has completed the review process with US Customs, and HTC devices have been released, as they are in compliance with the ITC’s ruling… Future shipments should continue to enter the US, and we are confident that we will soon be able to meet the demand for our products”

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