HTC ‘Rezound’ gets DLNA certification – But what is it?

A new HTC ‘media player’ gadget has the tech world wondering today, after its DLNA certification was leaked online ahead of any announcement by the ‘shirts and ties’ of the Taiwanese communications co.

Certified as “REG30480418”, the HTC Rezound made it way on to the web, in a fashion, in a document mentioning some of the basic details of the device, and certifying it as meeting the standards of the Digital Living Network Alliance as established as a guideline for consumer gadgets and media sharing. The DLNA was brought into existence by Sony back in 2003. It has since certified an estimated 9000 devices receiving a ‘DLNA Certified’ logo and has 250 tech companies registered.

Listing the HTC Rezound as a “Mobile Digital Media Player” we can only guess at this gadget becoming part of the Beats range, which is beginning to surface since the acquisition by HTC of key assets of the Beats Technology audio company – the makers of those trendy “Beats by Dre” headphones. The handset should benefit from the superior sound quality, music options, and earphones, similar to what we’re expecting from the Vigor,  Runnymede and future ‘Special Edition’ Sensation smartphones. The Rezound is also certified for ‘Images’ so presumably it’ll come with camera, and also be dedicated to Google’s Android platform.

It’s not really any surprise that details of a new HTC product have been sneaked out ahead of an official statement, that’s the way most of our HTC comes – the Taiwanese not being the best at keeping a secret it seems.

Will the HTC Rezound by a part of that roll out of eight new devices as promised before Christmas, or must we wait a little bit longer? As always the Gadget Helpline will bring you more to this story as it arrives!

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