Mystery Blackberry “Knight” 9980 Appears Online – Exclusive Luxury Phone for Porsche Owners?

Ladies and Gentlemen, we present to you the Blackberry 9980. What you see before you is a very strange looking Blackberry that has been spotted somewhere in the Far East.

The phone, which looks absolutely nothing like any other Blackberry we’ve seen before, has appeared in photos on Chinese forum MaxPDA and also in a video which you’ll find at the bottom of this page.

According to those in the know that posted the pictures, this phone is an unreleased prototype version of the new Blackberry Bold Touch 9900. The specifications are the same, it has the same physical buttons in the same places and even runs Blackberry OS 7 just as the 9900 does, but it looks completely different.

The keyboard features double-indented keys, with the secondary key feature becoming a smaller key at the bottom of the primary key itself. There appears to be the same touchscreen from what we gather in the video, though the classic call, hangup, blackberry and back keys appear to be larger, clunkier and cheaper.

The back of the phone is finished in faux leather with a chrome surround fitted around the 5-megapixel camera and LED flash. This bit we do prefer to the back of the Bold 9900, we must say.

In the image above you’ll notice the word ‘PROCEEDING’ emblazoned into that metal finish. At first glance I noticed that the font looked very similar to the logo used on some Porsche cars.

It’s funny that such a thought popped into my head, as Blackberry site Crackberry have discovered that this phone, the 9980, is codenamed the Blackberry Knight and was designed by none other than Porsche.

That’s right folks, this is a luxury Blackberry smartphone designed by car manufacturer Porsche. Rumour has it that the Knight could be launched in small numbers exclusively for Porsche car owners.

We’ll be keeping a keen eye on this interesting device, so stay tuned for more info as it breaks.

What do you think of the Blackberry 9980? Sexy, futuristic or plain ugly? Add a comment below with your opinion!

Via: N4BB

Via: Crackberry