iPad 2 vs Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1: Did Apple skew the evidence?

We all know by now that Apple has thrown the book at Samsung over their respective tablets, but you’d expect the court case that followed to be fairly above board, right? While the Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1 has now been banned from sale across Europe following Apple’s claims that it resembles the iPad 2 too much, computerworld is reporting that Apple may have tampered with the evidence slightly.

The picture above shows the comparative side-by-side shot of the two tablets that Apple presented as evidence in court. Above the two tabs is the Galaxy tab 10.1 again, but how it actually looks. Notice the difference?

It appears as though Apple has stretched the Galaxy Tab out for its shot so that its aspect ratio and dimensions more closely resemble the iPad’s. Bit underhanded, isn’t it? We should point out that this picture will likely have been incidental to the court case as a whole, but it’s certainly revealing of Apple’s tactics.

Is this an outrageous swizz, or just Apple playing the game? Let us know your thoughts on the Gadget Helpline Twitter feed.