iPad Mini Will Be Identical to iPad 3, Only Smaller – HD Retina Display a Key Feature

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A few weeks back, rumour once again surfaced regarding Apple’s intentions to release a sized-down 7.85-inch version of its iPad tablet. Suggestion even pointed to Chinese manufacturers who are supposedly already putting together the parts for the gadget readying the hardware for an October launch.

A number of reports speculated that not only would the physical attributes of the “iPad Mini” be considerably reduced but also the internal and software spec. Today this is believed not to be the case and the smaller Apple tablet is said to be coming with all the same desirable features as its recently released 9.7” third generation sibling.  That would mean the iPad Mini may be identical in all but size and with only a maximum storage of 8GB. This would include exciting features such as the Siri voice assistant tool, crystal clear iSight camera and most impressively that HD quality Retina display.

Today’s update on the iPad Mini may also bring an early estimate of one of its most important features – the price. We’re looking at $200 to $250 in the United States.  The smaller iPad, which is increasingly separating itself from mere myth, will become part of a tech market assault by titan Apple as it also prepares to release an iPhone 5 and possibly an iPhone Nano throughout 2012. We shared our thoughts on Apple’s aggressive product rollout in a previous article – Here.

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