iPhone 4S ‘dual-mode’ smartphone code found in iTunes

We’re now just one day away from seeing what Apple has in store for us at its iPhone press briefing. The smart money’s on there being a brand new iPhone 5, but mounting evidence says that that won’t be all.

A snippet of code found in the latest version of iTunes seems to point to a device called the iPhone 4S – a handset also rumoured to be unveiled at the October 4th event. The code for the 4S points to it being a dual-mode handset, which means very little to us in the UK, but will make users in the States quite happy.

Dual-mode will allow the phone to be used on both GSM and CDMA networks, which means it’ll be able to operate on both Verizon and AT&T in the US. We’d be surprised if that was all that the iPhone 4S had up its sleeve; we would expect it to be slightly faster in terms of processing or browsing, a la the iPhone 3GS. The iPhone 4S is expected to look identical to the current iPhone 4.

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