iPhone 5 Design Starts To Emerge

Well, just as we expected Apple has announced a media unveiling for October 4th, the only thing left now is what will the new iPhone 5 look like ? Well an iPhone obviously. But we can actually go a little further than that.

One of the best ways to work out what Apple might have planned is to look at some of the case-makers and this is what BGR have done. As you can see above Case-Mate have pictures of what their new iPhone 5 case will look like.

And it’s as we expected: a slimmer, but larger design with a tapered back very reminiscent of the current iPad 2. From the looks of the picture the mute button seems to have switched sides too.

According to the New York Times, the images are suppose to be “potentially authentic” with the same source quoted as saying that the launch is expected to be “just weeks away”.

And now for some slightly worrying news: the always on the money 9to5mac are claiming that Apple has already hit a snag with production of the new handsets and are even going as far as saying that delay might be on the cards.

They also predicting that the handset might well suffer the same fate as the iPad 2 with massive shortages and the black-market profiteering form the shortages of the must-have gadget in the lead up to Christmas.

Of course, this could all be carefully managed marketing from Apple, just in case you were thinking of doing anything but pre-ordering the iPhone 5. But then, you weren’t considering anything of the sort, were you?

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