iPhone 5 Pre-Orders Beginning First Week of October

iPhone 5 pre-orders are due to start in the first week of October, according to a leaked staff-only memo from a Best Buy store in the U.S.

The leaked document pictured above states that Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile stores are expecting the iPhone 5 product introduction to begin shortly, with pre-orders expected to start the first week of October.

Interestingly, Best Buy also expects U.S mobile network Sprint to be selling the new iPhone from the date it goes on sale – the network has not offered a new iPhone model from launch day before.

Apple have ensured that Best Buy are aware that product information and/or launch date details may be subject to change, though we expect they have everything set in place by now – it won’t be long until we see the new iPhone.

BGR, our source for the leaked memo, has spoken to somebody familiar with Apple’s plans for the iPhone 5 launch, and has said that pre-orders may start this week rather than the first week of October, with the iPhone 5 actually launching then instead.

We’ve also heard from a source at Vodafone UK that the expected launch date for the iPhone 5 in the UK is October 26th, though again Apple have advised this is “subject to change”.

Despite the leaked memo clearly showing references to Best Buy and having headers in their store colours (blue and yellow), we’re still intrigued by the spelling of ‘ENTERTAINMENT’ in the middle of the page. We’re pretty certain this error doesn’t detract from the authenticity of the document, though.

Excited for the iPhone 5?

Via: BGR