Sense 3.5 ported to the Desire HD and Desire S

A while back HTC released the Sensation and Evo 3D, and with these monster handsets came a new user interface, HTC Sense 3.0. HTC stated that it will not be compatible with older handsets and would not be released as an update for older devices.

Well, that’s where the developers over at XDA-developers came into things,  and as reported here, they’ve managed to get Sense 3.0 up and running fully on the Desire HD, later to be ported to other devices such as the Desire S,  and Desire Z.

Well, it’s been done again and the Devs over at XDA have ported the latest incarnation of Sense (3.5) to the Desire HD and the Desire S. As with any new port there are a few bugs, however this is still a work in progress and it won’t take long for this to be perfected.

“What is the point?” Some of you may be thinking. Well, when you spend £400 on a new handset for the manufacturer to bring out a new toy a month after you have bought what you thought was the top of the range device, the green eyed monster may come out to play.

So, having the opportunity to ‘upgrade’ your handset software-wise without actually upgrading your handset and giving you the features of the newer device on your already more than capable hardware is something many will want to do, and is why developers have made it possible to use HTC Sense 3.5 on the Desire HD and Desire S.

Check out the video demo of HTC Sense 3.5 here.