iPhone 7 could features the Apple Watches Force Touch feature

Apple, rumour has it, may include one of the best features of the Apple Watch to their next iPhone, reports suggest that the next smartphone from Apple will include Force Touch gestures. The Force Touch feature was created to allow the Apple Watch to detect the level of force exerted on its display by the user. Depending on the force used, the Watch would respond accordingly.

Mostly useful on the Apple Watch because of the tiny screen it had, meaning the area to work with and space for additional buttons was minimal. Apple has since included the technology in the new MacBook Pro, they’ve seen how useful this can so it follows they should use this in most if not all future products.

The Force Touch for iPhone rumours come from China Times, which suggests that System-in-Package (SIP) modules that are similar to the ones found in the Apple Watch, and are responsible for Force Touch, are being included in the new iPhone. China has an advantage on the Apple rumour side seeing as most of the parts are produced in factories there.

With all the work Apple has had to do to shrink down many of its components to fit inside the small Apple Watch, we will being seeing a lot more packed into iPhones going forward, or at least we should expect too.

We’ve also recently heard rumours that Apple is considering dropping the iPhone’s home button, so Force Touch may be their alternative. Personally I’d hate to see the home button disappear, it’s one of the few things I like about my old iPhone.

As with all Apple speculation and rumours we never know what Apple really have planned until they want us to. All of this could be false or it could change between now and the iPhone 7