iPhone App News: FlareGun app makes meeting up with friends a doddle

We’ve all been there: you’re coming to meet a friend at this great new pub they’ve found, but you’ve no idea where it is. Them saying “turn left, then right, then over the bridge…” is all well and good, but surely there’s a better way? On iOS, users can share their exact location on the Maps app, but only through costly MMS or through email, which the recipient may not check. Thankfully, a new app looks to change that…

Launched yesterday, FlareGun is a speedy workaround that pinpoints you as accurately as Google Maps will allow in 6 seconds, before letting you send that location (or a ‘Flare’) in a text message with just one button press.

The recipient will receive the text with a link built in, and be able to direct themsevles to you from there. The best bit is that you can send a ‘Flare’ to any kind of smartphone; as long as it has a web connection the phone should be able to open the link. Is this a potential lifesaver? Let us know on the Gadget Helpline Twitter feed.

Link: iTunes Apps