iPhoneography: London Colleges to Teach Courses in Apple iPhone Photography

Traditional photography and even high-tech digital snapping are becoming old hat nowadays with the masterpieces that can be shot with the no-longer so humble smartphone we carry around in our pockets every day. Those high spec gadgets that double as a tool for capturing a memory at any time. Just take a look at the 41-megapixel-packing Nokia Pureview 808, a super camera/smartphone crossover which should make even the sharpest of high-end dedicated DSLR shooter blush!

With this in mind, is it really surprising that two colleges in London are starting to offer courses in iPhone photography? If you’re an Apple mobile owner who wants to get a little bit more professional than the software aided tweaks that are delivered by the Instagram app, you can now dish out the £115 to sign up for one of these courses, under the tutelege of veteran photographer Richard Gray, who will teach you fully utilise the underestimated camera features of the iPhone as a “powerful creative tool” to capture artful and insightful shots.

Gray will teach you about fundamental skills such as compostion and the importance of natural lighting, as well as post-shoot editing using a range of contemporary apps for enhancing photos. Apps are said to cost an additional £20 total to see you through the full the course.

iPhoneography: An Introduction to Photography with the iPhone is a five week course being held at Kensington and Chelsea Colleges, London.

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