Only in Japan! – Plastic ‘Cloning’ puts your face onto an Action Figure!

A Japanese company called ‘The Clone Factory’ has developed a way to make a boyhood dream come true. By using state-of-the-art photography and 3D printing techniques they turn the Average Joe into GI:JOE!

Using a circle of super-sensitive cameras, snaps are taken of an applicant’s whole head – picking up every possible detail from the facial features to hair, so that the ‘real-life’ head mimics the life-sized original exactly in all but size, and can be popped onto your own choice of body.


A 3D digital image is created from all the photos taken and then this data is fed to a 3D printer, which produces an incredibly realistic plastic miniature of the human subject’s head and face. The diminutive dome is then sprayed with a protective layer so that your one-of-a-kind toy-self won’t fade with age. That is if you keep your doll ‘cherry’ and resist the temptation of playing with yourself – so to speak!


A small setback stands in your way if you do think of yourself as a bit of a boy toy: The price for being fantastic in plastic is pretty steep.  A rough Yen to Sterling conversion comes up as being around £1100 for just one of the custom collectables – Meaning to most of us this is still a childhood fantasy that we’ll have to leave behind..

The Gadget Helpline brings you another dose of weekly weirdness – found Only in Japan – next week!

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